
The E-Z-TY Rope Ladders are great for boats hunting camping tree forts (and…) and can be easily folded and stored away and carried. Fully Assembled rope ladders easily attached to a cleat on a boat or loop over a structure to provide quick steps for climbing where ever needed. Each step is about 1 foot. The Rope Ladders are designed with the E-Z-TY Reusable Rope Clamps that are made of space-age composite material which will not scratch or mar (a boats finish) surfaces and arrive uses 1/2 double nylon braided rope. The E-Z-TY rope Ladders are completely reusable. When the rope breaks or becomes weak the Clamps (hardware) can easily be reapplied to new rope. Sizes Available: 3-Step 4-Step & 5-Step. Available Rope Colors: Black Blue & White