The Domain Outdoors Show Stopper Food Plot Mix combines high-protein forages with high-energy tap roots to keep deer on your property all season long. This food plot seed includes hybrid forage brassica, rutabaga, turnip, and rapeseed that produce tons of forage to handle heavy grazing, plus it regrows up to 4 times in season. This mix matures at different stages so it attracts deer all season long, giving deer the leafy greens they need in the early season and the tap roots they love in the late season. The Domain Outdoors Show Stopper Food Plot Mix is a must-have for your hunting property! 3 lbs. plants 1/2 acre (22,000 sq. ft.); Provides the protein and energy deer need; Hybrid forage brassica, rutabaga, purple top turnip, and rapeseed; Superior regrowth potential – up to 4X within 1 growing season; Excellent forage production to handle heavy graze; High protein leafy greens for early season, high energy tap roots for late season;