
Faulk s Bob White Quail Call Q-20 BROWN

Original price was: $22.65.Current price is: $19.99.

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SKU: 1024866378889915710 Category:


Quail bob white call made of walnut with cork insert. Easy to use for locating coveys and singles.Faulk’s is an internationally known manufacturer of hand-crafted game calls produced in Lake Charles Louisiana since 1951. Today Faulk’s Game Calls handcrafts and individually tune the highest quality wood Cajun-style calls in the industry. Only select materials are used in making our calls. All calls are still hand-tuned by experienced tuners trained by “Dud” Faulk himself. Faulk’s is still a hunter’s best source for quality game calls. We are dedicated to quality and craftsmanship.

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Walmart – sporting goods