WoodHaven Custom Calls Ninja V Mouth Turkey Call


Cabela's Compare

SKU: 8498672196001041197 Category:


Outfitted with WoodHaven’s classic V-cut, the Ninja V Mouth Turkey Call from WoodHaven Custom Calls helps you seize the attention of big toms in your area. A 3-reed call with a green reed over 2 proph reeds, this turkey call utilizes a simple V cut in the top reed to help hunters deliver a very crisp, raspy sound perfect for loud hen cutts and yelps. All purpose mouth call also delivers solid soft clucks and purrs when gobblers start getting close. Loud, crisp hen cutts and yelps from a mouth call 3-reed design – green reed over 2 proph reeds WoodHaven’s classic V-cut in top reed All purpose cut – also delivers soft clucks and purrs

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