Dave Smith Decoys Mating Motion Turkey Decoy



SKU: 1224512815645964307 Category:


This groundbreaking new set of decoys accurately replicates a jake in the act of mounting a hen. Tug on the jerk cord to simulate the young gobbler as he gyrates on top of his receptive hen, then watch one longbeard after another lose his mind in a fit of rage like no other decoys have ever inspired! The hand operated motion system is simple, effective, and legal in all 50 U.S. states. Like all DSDs, these decoys are lightweight, quiet, and constructed out of legendary A.C.E. Technology. They can withstand a shotgun blast or a broadhead with little to no visible wear to the surface and no affect to the decoy’s shape. Made in the U.S.A.Features:

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Dave Smith Decoys

