Hungarian Partridge Training Dummy Hunting Dog ~ P200 ~ Dokken New Dead Fowl Trainer Decoy


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SKU: 1024863157919891344 Category:


Not a precise replica in size and weight2 1/2 to 3 times larger than a real partridgeGreat for use in teaching proper retrieving techniques for Retriever puppies Spaniels Flushing and Pointing Breed DogsFree swinging hard plastic head and feet plus natural dead bird weight encourage a proper pickup and hold while discouraging the shaking of birdsFloats even when puncturedApproximately 3 1/2 in diameter (10 girth) and total length is approximately 12 from tip of the beak to the tip of the tail.Weighs approximately 8 oz.Dead Fowl Trainer Internal Scent System (available separately):To internally scent your Dead Fowl Trainer: Inject the training scent into the middle of the foam duck body in six different locations using the Dokken s Dead Fowl Scent Injector or a syringe (not provided). The foam body is designed to hold the training scent whether using the dummy in or out of the water. 1/2 to 3/4 ounce of training scent is sufficient. Made in the USA.

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Dokken Dog Supply


Walmart – sporting goods