Lamiglas – Kokanee & Trout Trolling Fishing Rod (LAMCG80GH)


Walmart - sporting goods Compare

SKU: 1024867408688465676 Category:


This series displays visibly and catches huge amounts of fish every year on lakes where kokanee & trout are found. Anglers fishing from a boat are often the most productive numbers-wise on lakes. Watching a takedown on a light action trolling rod is an exciting experience. Kokanee & trout are notorious for having “soft mouths”. Combine that with the way Kokanee & trout thrash around when hooked and you have a recipe for fish that have the ability to spit the hook easily. The right rods must be limber enough to give to the thrash of the fish and not pull back too hard against the lip with the hook. They also must load into a down-rigger if using one.

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Walmart – sporting goods