The Mighty Fish TMF741-POP1 Longnut 7 4 350g Tuna Popping Spinning Rod


Walmart - sporting goodsCompare

SKU: 10248601145197972 Category:


A thick-walled Moderate Fast action carbon blank finely tuned for efficiently working large poppers and stick baits capable of over 30lbs of lifting power. Features: Textured Rubber shrink over contoured EVA foregrip and matching rear grip. Fuji Long Nut barrel Seat and Aluminum spacer comfortably accommodates 10 000-20 000 sized reels. Fuji MN Guides with Alconite rings. Fuji GRC rubber gimbal for casting and fish fighting comfort with or without a belt keeping rods securely planted in rod holders while traveling at high speeds.

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The Mighty Fish


Walmart – sporting goods