A new addition to the Greys lineup their Wing Streamflex Fly Rod replaces the ever-loved GR80 to give you a powerful tool for pursuing freshwater fish in a wide range of conditions and environments. The Wing Streamflex is a rod built with a fast action and excellent accuracy; this makes it a great tool for the intermediate to advanced crowd without requiring you to bump into a $500 price point. Built in a range of line weights and lengths-starting with a 10 2-weight and increasing all the way to a 9 6-weight-there s an option in the Wing Streamflex family whether you re looking to Euro nymph pockets accurately present dry flies on a technical spring creek or chuck big streamers into logjams and deep pools. A rod series designed with freshwater-versatiltiy and ample power for handling large fish and casting into unfavorable conditions the Wing Streamflex is a rod that you can rely on twelve months out of the year in nearly any environment.