Pure Whitetail Hemp Scrape Rope is a mock scrape kit that includes a durable deer scent rope for deer and Dominant Scrape mock scrape scent. It’s an ideal choice for hunters who need an easy, ready to go scent rope for deer hunting.
Our durable hemp scent rope for deer is easier to use than other deer scent ropes. Simply loop the end through the rope hole. Hangs anywhere in seconds. No zip ties needed. More durable than scent wafers for deer hunting, Hemp Scrape Rope is designed for years of rugged use.
Dominant Scrape mock scrape scent is a unique formula that combines potent natural buck pee with an exclusive blend of deer scents for the ultimate mock scrape starter. This powerful 2 oz bottle is like a liquid buck grunt call. Perfect for use throughout the summer and deer hunting season. Dominant Scrape provides an active scrape deer scent crafted exclusively from all natural ingredients.
Spell Bound Power Dust mock scrape scent is created by infusing very fine scent free powder particles with an extremely potent Pure Whitetail scent. This creates one of the most versatile and effective deer scents available in a mock scrape powder. Used by itself, Spell Bound also acts as a cover scent and wind checker while you’re scouting or hunting. 4 oz bottle.
Deer licking branch scent simplified. Pure Whitetail’s hemp scent rope system provides a quick and easy deer licking rope. Apply the included Pure Whitetail scent to the rope and hang it where you need it. Or use your deer dripper to cover it with your favorite deer scents, like doe pee, buck pee, deer pee, preorbital gland scent, golden scrape, doe estrus, buck scrape scent and more.
Pure Whitetail is your ultimate hunting partner. Top-quality deer hunting accessories, including deer food, mock scrape scents, food plot seeds and more. We’re committed to your success. Get equipped for a successful hunt with Pure Whitetail.
Mock Scrape Kit – Includes Pure Whitetail Hemp Scrape Rope and Dominant Scrape mock scrape scent. It’s an ideal choice for hunters who need an easy, ready to go scent rope for deer hunting.
Hemp Scent Rope – Our durable hemp scent rope for deer is easier to use than other deer scent ropes. Simply loop the end through the rope hole. Hangs anywhere in seconds. No zip ties needed. More durable than scent wafers for deer hunting, Hemp Scrape Rope is designed for years of rugged use.
Dominant Scrape Mock Scrape Scent – Our unique formula combines potent natural buck pee with an exclusive blend of deer scents for the ultimate mock scrape starter. This powerful 2 oz blend is perfect for use throughout the summer and deer hunting season. Dominant Scrape provides an active scrape deer scent crafted exclusively from all natural ingredients. 2 oz bottle.
Deer Licking Branch Scent – Pure Whitetail Hemp Scrape Rope provides a quick and easy deer licking branch scent solution. Apply the included Pure Whitetail scent to the rope and hang it where you need it. Or use your scrape dripper to cover it with your favorite deer scents.
Pure Whitetail – Your ultimate hunting partner. Top-quality deer hunting accessories, including deer food, mock scrape scents, food plot seeds and more. We’re committed to your success. Get equipped for a successful hunt with Pure Whitetail.