
The AnKor FX is a premium bowfishing point that has superior holding power thanks to triple (3) barbs that provide a large surface area for holding fish. The short body and three collapsing barbs make an exceptionally small entry hole on the shot and offer industry-leading penetration. When engaged with a fish, the barbs open to a 2 1/2″ diameter holding area. To remove from a fish, simply push the point all the way through the fish and loosen the tip a few turns. This will allow the barbs to roll forward, and you can pull the arrow right back through the fish. Points are pinned directly to the shaft for maximum security. Each arrow shaft is 5/16″ diameter and 32″ in length. An EverGlide Safety Slide is installed on every arrow.ARROW SHAFTEach and every AMS branded arrow is inspected for elite-level straightness. Our fiberglass shafts are glossy smooth, extremely straight and ultra-durable. Points are pinned directly to the shaft for maximum security. Each arrow shaft is 5/16″ diameter and 32″ in length. An EverGlide Safety Slide is installed on every arrow.ANKOR FX BOWFISHING POINT – THREE (3) BARBThe AnKor FX is a premium bowfishing point that has superior holding power thanks to triple (3) barbs and a large surface area for holding fish. The short body and three collapsing barbs make an exceptionally small entry hole on the shot and offer industry-leading penetration. When engaged with a fish, the barbs open to a 2 1/2″ diameter holding area. To remove from a fish, simply push the point all the way through the fish and loosen the tip a few turns. This will allow the barbs to roll forward, and you can pull the arrow right back through the fish. Points are pinned directly to the shaft for maximum security. (3) Triple barbs collapse on the shot for ease of entry and open when engaged with a fish to 2 1/2″ diameter holding area. Loosen tip several turns so barbs can flip back to release fish Standard 1/4″-28 thread Made in the USAAMS EVERGLIDE SAFETY SLIDE for 5/16″ ARROWSAMS believes safety is paramount. That’s why we focus on safety in every product we manufacture. And, why we will never sell an arrow without an EverGlide Safety Slide, a device we invented, that changed the industry. This system has proven its ease and durability on millions of fish! If used properly, it ensures that your line will remain out in front of the arrow rest and away from the bowstring on the shot. Just tie your line to the slide. Nock the arrow with the shock pad facing up while keeping the slide in front of your arrow rest. When the shot is taken, the arrow moves through the slide to the shock pad, taking the line with it. The line stays in front of the arrow rest at all times. This ensures that your line cannot come in contact or tangle with the bowstring, which can be the cause of arrow snapback!

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AMS Bowfishing

