5 States Where Bucks Rut Late

For avid deer hunters, the rut represents the pinnacle of the season—a time when mature bucks become more active and vulnerable as they search for does.
While most hunters plan their season around the rut in their home state, traveling hunters can extend their opportunities by focusing on regions where the rut occurs later.
Understanding where and when the rut happens is a game-changer, offering more chances to bag a mature buck well into late December and January.
Why Some States Experience a Late Rut
The timing of the rut varies based on several factors, including genetics, climate, and photoperiodism (the amount of daylight that triggers breeding behaviors).
In southern states, where deer populations have adapted to warmer climates, the rut often happens later in the season. This ensures that fawns are born during milder conditions, increasing their chances of survival.

1. Florida
Florida’s rut is unique and varies widely depending on the region. Woodhaven Custom Calls prostaffer, Scott Ellis, lives and hunts in Florida and enjoys the wide range of the Florida rut.
“The cool part of the rut in the southeast is that it extends deer season. You have the Alabama rut in January and Florida ranging from August in South Florida to February in central Florida,” says Ellis.
Like many other late-season hunters, he adds that the biggest key is finding food sources based on the time of fall/winter. Does will focus on those food sources, and the bucks will be cruising those areas and looking for the ladies.
The Sunshine State offers a rare opportunity to hunt bucks when most other states have long since closed their seasons, making it one of the top late-rut states.

2. Alabama
Alabama native Matt Jennings loves winding down his hunting season in his home state of Alabama.
Jennings hosts The Game TV and spends every opportunity he can find chasing mature bucks from September through February. He has been a massive fan of hunting late season due to the late rut.
“I think the late rut gets overlooked a lot of times,” says Jennings.
The rut typically peaks in January in Alabama, making it a hotspot for hunters looking to extend their season. Mature buck seekers like Jennings, who love to travel to enhance their opportunities, still enjoy hunting in their home state, especially when it allows a chance to hunt longer.
“Hunting at home in the late season allows me to hunt the rut from late October down to the southern states in February,” explains Jennings.

3. Mississippi
Much like Alabama, Mississippi offers peak rut activity in January. I can recall watching old Mossy Oak videos from the early 90s and one of my favorite TV shows on TNN was Mossy Oak’s Hunting The Country.
Hunting The Country was sponsored for many years by Mississippi tourism. I now know that was to help hunters like me who wanted to travel to the same areas on TV and hunt big southern whitetail bucks for themselves.
Regions in the southern part of the state are mainly known for a late rut, providing hunters with exceptional opportunities to hunt bucks still chasing does later than many other states. Avid Mississippi hunter and land specialist, Jordan Blissett, knows all about hunting the late rut found in Mississippi.
“You never know what might show up during the rut in deep south,” says Blissett.
“This is the time of year we’ll have bucks show up that we’ve never had on trail camera. They just show up out of nowhere, working does in the food plot. This is the time to be mobile, move stands to get the right wind direction and get the drop on a great buck.”

4. Texas
Texas’s expansive size results in a varied rut timeline as well. The rut occurs from mid-December to mid-January. Hunters flock to this region for its renowned deer quality and late-season action.
HuntStand’s William Cooper grew up in Texas and said there is nothing like hunting in his home state. As for hunters wanting to travel to Texas for a late rut hunt, Cooper says to come on down!
“I love hunting in Texas because it offers such a long season,” says Cooper.
“Archery season kicks off in late September and it runs all the way through parts of January. If you’re hunting on an MLD property, you can even go into February. The rut varies depending on where you are. Up north, it peaks in mid-November, but down south, it’s more around Christmas or even later. Texas is a great place for hunting, and I highly recommend that anyone experience it.”

5. Louisiana
In Louisiana, the rut peaks between late December and early January, especially in the southern and coastal regions.
With abundant public and private hunting land, hunters can go online or use a hunting app to find potential spots for hunting in a state that often can be overlooked as a state to harvest a mature buck.
Despite what some hunters may assume, Louisiana is a prime destination for hunters seeking late-rut action.
Benefits for Traveling Hunters
- Extended Hunting Opportunities
By targeting states with a late rut, hunters can add weeks or months to their hunting season. This allows for more time in the field and greater chances of success. - Improved Deer Behavior
Bucks during the rut are more active and less cautious, which increases the likelihood of encounters. In states with late rut seasons, hunters can take advantage of this behavior long after other regions have quieted down. - Mild Weather Conditions
Southern states typically have milder winters, making late-season hunting more comfortable. Hunting in states like Alabama or Texas is an attractive alternative for those weary of freezing temperatures in the Midwest or Northeast.
Tips for Late-Rut Hunting Success
- Scout Ahead
Understand the local deer movement patterns and focus on areas with high doe concentrations. Bucks will follow. - Be Patient
Late-season deer can still be cautious, so patience is critical. Set up near food sources or travel corridors where bucks will likely roam. - Use Rut-Specific Tactics
Use grunt calls, rattling antlers, and estrous scents to draw aggressive or curious bucks. These tactics remain highly effective during the late rut.
For hunters willing to travel, late-rut opportunities in a number of southern states offer the chance to extend the season and hunt mature bucks in their peak breeding behavior.
By understanding the unique timing of the rut in these regions, hunters can capitalize on exceptional opportunities to fill their tags long after the traditional season has ended.